this week's assignment: pudding. not very exciting, i know. even so, if you stop and replay your childhood, there are memories of pudding lurking in the shadows. little dishes of creamy pudding with a dollop of whipped cream (most likely shot straight out of a can or spooned out from the tub and plopped on top). vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch or something more substantial like tapioca or rice pudding. maybe you were lucky enough to have a family member who made bread pudding on special occasions, i never did. my husband always mentions kugel when it comes to pudding, specifically noodle kugel; he does come from a jewish family so that shouldn't surprise anyone. when i was a kid, we had pudding on occasion. open the box, follow the directions and presto, pudding in a cup. if not a box, premade cups of it were purchased from time to time. i even remember visiting the deli down the street(showing my yankee heritage here, we had delis in every town) and buying rice pudding by the pound-a quarter pound goes a long way! mostly, i remember my mother making tapioca pudding. every now and then, she would buy a box of mix and make it. she would pour it into little pyrex bowls and sprinkle a tiny bit of nutmeg over the top. my mom is not a baker and she didn't make many desserts at home besides cookies but she would make two things that i still remember; angelfood cake and tapioca pudding. i still like it. as weird as the texture is, i find something comforting about it.

a flight of puddings to satisfy everyone at the table. from front to back; vanilla, chocolate, tapioca and butterscotch.

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