Monday, March 22, 2010

all lined up

and today's wreckage is brought to you seems that no matter how hard i try, i manage to wreck the kitchen. we have had a busy week because of beekeeping classes. no, you read that correctly, beekeeping classes. in a few weeks, there will be a hive of bees outside in the garden. we are excited and a little nervous. with all that going on, i still found time to get 5 recipes finished. a very rainy sunday made it easy, no chance i would be out in the garden. instead, i was working away in our small kitchen while darry paced around and reminded me that he would have to make dinner soon. around here, the cooks are lined up like planes coming in for a landing. as soon as one clears the counter, another slides in and continues with the wreckage.
so this is a tale of his and hers wreckage...
my floury mess, lots of little cups and spoons and a sifter as well as ingredients galore.

his pile includes trays and plates and pots and pans. the result, a tasty dinner of fried chicken-yes fried, we have temporarily lifted the moratorium on fried foods but only because this dish didn't require a vat of hot oil.

on to the tea breads. i always throw overripe bananas into the freezer. they are good to bake with and they make great smoothies. seems that i forgot about this batch. they were extra frosty.

they didn't look much better out of the peels, kinda like innards...

first batch of little breads

final batch of tea breads. from left to right-date walnut, banana nut and pumpkin chocolate chip with a lovely brown sugar ribbon running through it.

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